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Parking At The Gala - Feb 13th 2016

One more day to the Chinese New Year Gala! Before you head out tomorrow, please take note of the parking instruction:

1) Park across the street in the Canfield’s Sporting Goods parking lot (86th and Center St).

2) For your convenience, our shuttle bus will take you back and fourth between Canfield parking lot and our event venue at the Westside Middle school.

  • One bus will be running from 3:45 PM to 7:15 PM.

  • Two buses will be running from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM.

3) School parkings are reserved for our special guests only.

There will be a lot of people tomorrow at the event so head out early, get your parking spot and take a free shuttle bus to the venue. Our volunteers will do their best to ensure everything goes smoothly as planned, your patience will always be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!



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