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Very excited to announce that the 4th annual Omaha Gives! fundraising is here! Omaha Chinese Culture Association or Nebraska Chinese Association is participating once again this year.

Last year you helped us raise over $6,000. This money helped us purchased our new Nebraska Chinese Center. This year can we once again count on you to help us achieve our new goal?

Our goal for 2016 is to raise $10,000. This money will be used towards building a 6 ft tall fence around the open field area in our property. This large grassy field area is the future playground for our children as well as for all our future outdoor activities. As this field is sitting on a steep hill, we feel it's necessary to have a fence around it for the safety of the children.

You may schedule a for a donation between April 1 to May 24, which will be processed on May 25. Click here to help us reach our goal today!

Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Thank you so much for your support!!!



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张泥乐 《不完美的2020》




海伦 《念奴娇》

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张世城《 猪八戒吃西瓜》

张逸安 《我的2020》




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