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You know you are in the right place when you live in a supportive community! Yesterday you had helped us raised a total of $13,270 for NCA at the annual Omaha Gives!

Omaha Gives! is a 24 hr online fundraising event organized by the Omaha Community Foundation, which goal is to inspire the community to come together to support the nonprofit organizations in the metro area.

Additionally, to make things fun we decided at the day of to hold our own little lucky draw for our donors every time we hit a mini milestone. Prizes include 2 free tickets to our upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, a sterling silver necklace sponsored by and a ParaSpa donated by Mae Keith.

As mentioned in my previous post, our goal was to raise money to build a fence around a large field area that will be used a common outdoor activity area as well as our children playground. The fence will keep the children safe while playing at outdoor. We estimated the cost to build a 6 ft tall fence around the area will cost about $10,000. Yesterday, we surpassed that number! All of us here at NCA are speechless and felt extremely blessed to have such an incredibly supportive community!

Will keep you guys update on the fence progress!

Here is a screen shot of our results:



贾文清    《雨后》 

Junya Duan 《绕口令》

张泥乐 《不完美的2020》




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张世城《 猪八戒吃西瓜》

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