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Nebraska Chinese Center Grand Opening

On May 12 2008, a few of us came together to raise money for victims of the Great Sichuan earthquake that killed more than 69,000 people and a tornado that hit the Little Sioux Scout Ranch in Iowa. Through helping others, we found ourselves. Omaha Chinese Culture Association (OCCA) was formed as a result. Today OCCA is known as Nebraska Chinese Association (NCA).

Eight years later, NCA once again came together stronger than ever and purchased a home for our community. Nebraska Chinese Center is now officially opened. Apr 23, 2016 marked a historic day for all the Nebraskan Chinese!

Vice Consul General of Chinese Embassy Mr. Li Min, NCA Chairman Mr Zheng Hong and First Secretary of Chinese Embassy Mr. Shen Ang.

About 200 people attended our Grand Opening Ceremony. Among us were Governor Pete Ricketts, Vice Consul General of Chinese Embassy Mr. Li Min, Secretary of State of Nebraska Mr. John Gale, First Secretary of Chinese Embassy Mr. Shen Ang, Mr. Joel Cota representing Omaha Mayor's Office, Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders, and President of Omaha City Council Mr. Pete Festersen.

Finally, I just want to say that the grand opening was amazing! Lots of great food, decorations and awesome performances. From weeks of planning, to decorating to the after party cleaning up, we couldn't have achieved all these without the help from our dedicated volunteers. A heartfelt THANK YOU to our volunteers and supporters!!! Your guys rock!

We were on the news! Click here to read more or copy and paste this link to your browser



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