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You Shop. Amazon Gives to OCCA.

When you make a purchase at Amazon Smile (which is also Amazon), Amazon will donate 0.5% of the list price of the eligible item to OCCA in your name. Best part is you will still find the same low prices AND you will be helping OCCA at the same time at no cost to you!

Choose Omaha Chinese Cultural Association

as the charitible organization you'd like to support.

How Amazon Smile Works:

  • Go to

  • Make sure you select Omaha Chinese Cultural Association (on the top left corner of your screen)

  • Do your shopping as usual

  • If the item you are purchasing says "Eligible for AmazonSmile Donation" then we will receive 0.5% of the list price

  • Just check out as usual

  • Amazon will send us the donation on your behalf

Choose OCCA all year long as your supported charity at Amazon Smile! More importantly, have fun shopping!

Thank you!!!



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