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OCCA Found Her Home

We are very excited to annouce that OCCA has finally found her home near 82nd Blondo! Past few weeks have been busy for some of our board members... looking, negotiating and finalizing all those grueling details and paperworks of purchasing a home for OCCA.

As we are still at the early stage of the process, there will still be a lot of things to be done before OCCA can finally claims its owenership. So stay tune and we'll provide more updates as we make progress.

Here are some pictures and information about the building that is going to be our future OCCA Center: - It's a church building

- Over 10,000sf space

- Huge outdoor space (perfect for hosting outdoor activities and events)

- Excellent condition.

- Parking lot can hold about 85 cars

- Comes with classrooms, meeting area, performance center and a full kitchen

- Also includes one 3 bedroom house

- Two additional building lots.

Tell us what you think, leave a comment at the bottom of this page!



贾文清    《雨后》 

Junya Duan 《绕口令》

张泥乐 《不完美的2020》




海伦 《念奴娇》

汪秉彝 《乡愁》

王米 《小白兔》

张世城《 猪八戒吃西瓜》

张逸安 《我的2020》




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