Fundraising Event
Not sure if the little birdies have told you, there is a fundraising campaign going on right now at OCCA? What is it for? It's for us......
厦门, 我的家乡 --
厦门, 我的家乡 -- 又想家了... 好想在厦门中山路步行街上走一走,到那些著名海鲜酒楼, 大排 挡, "古早味"小吃摊上吃个够, 并买个伴手礼给爸妈...再与父母在凉台上边聊边饮茶边欣赏鼓浪屿的郑成功雕像. 多幸福啊...
Welcome to OCCA Lounge!
Hello ya'll. My name is May and I'd like to introduce you to our OCCA "Lounge". What is the lounge? The Lounge is a "place" where we...
Mooncake Recipe
Traditional Mooncakes (Printable recipe) By Christine's Recipes Prep time: 60 mins Cook time: 10 mins Yield: 12 (each 50 grams) ...