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A Note From The President of OCCA

Thank you to all the participants and volunteers who helped make it another memorable event!

Thank you to our "One Center One Community" Walk/ Run donors and participants! On behalf of Team OCCA, we would like to thank you for your contribution. Your financial support helps us continue in our mission and makes the events like Moon Festival possible. Thank you again for your support!

Here's a list of the organizers of the Moon Festival this year (Please accept our sincere apology if we missed or misspelled your names here):

Overall Planning: Jun White; Han Yuan and Ping Ye

Walk/Run and Team Donations: Yang Ping and Kai Fu

Volunteers: Julie Verebely; Meng Zhang of BU; Xiquang Chen of BU/Creighton; Weizhe Li of UNMC; and Lawrence Qi of GCC/BU

Youth Talent Show, Awards and Event Hosting: Jun An, Mei Keith and Li Li

Decorations: Haihong Jiang; Linda Steele

Tickets and Donations: May Yap; Jenny McAtee; Li Li

Membership: Jenny Liu and Xiaohong Su

Food: Hong Zheng; George Zhou and volunteers

Kids Activities: Ben Zhang and Haihong Jiang

Performance: Weidong Zeng; UNL CI Dance Class; Taiji Coach; Wushu Coaches and OCCA Dance Team

Photography: Julie Verebely; Tianchen Zhang; Grant Wu and Kevin Steele

Website: May Yap and Website Team

Prizes: Lei Chen

Please like us (Omaha Chinese Culture Association) on Facebook and visit us online at

Thank you again and hope you had a wonderful time!




贾文清    《雨后》 

Junya Duan 《绕口令》

张泥乐 《不完美的2020》




海伦 《念奴娇》

汪秉彝 《乡愁》

王米 《小白兔》

张世城《 猪八戒吃西瓜》

张逸安 《我的2020》




Darren zhu 《春天来了》

罗乙芯 《下雨啦》

王美英 《咏柳》

汪桃 《让我们荡起双桨》

杨简宁《 再别康桥》


朱博宇 《我会像青草一样呼吸 》

张得然 《我和星星打电话》

李信仪 《2020 的想法和感受》

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