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Town Hall Meeting: OCCA Community Center

Many of you may have already know that OCCA Community Center has been a long time project going; from just an idea, to raising money to searching for the right buidling. Having our own center, we will be able to expand our programs and offer more services and many more. We are very excited to have found a potential home at 8206 Blondo Street (see the pictures below). So this Friday, we'd like to invite you to join us for a town hall meeting. We would be giving a short presentation, which you will learn more about this new building and OCCA's vision. We will also have a Q&A session where you're free to ask any questions regarding the center and we'd do our best to answer all of them.

When: Nov 13, Friday

Where: UNO CEC Builidng (Room 128)

Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm

Hope to see you there!



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